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Metal Detector Verification Service… What is it? Why & How Is It Conducted?

Metal Detection Validation touchscreen setup

Metal Detector Verification is a crucial and most often required part of ensuring the purity of your product and protecting your business. Read on to learn more about metal detector verification, how it’s conducted, how it differs from validation and why it’s so important to your business. What is Metal Detector Verification? Food production facility […]

Metal Detector Product Testing

Metal Detection test wand spheres

Metal detector product testing can ensure that you are investing in the best possible metal detector for your application. Read on to learn more about how metal detector product testing is done and its benefits. How Is Metal Detector Product Testing Done? Metal Detector product testing often offered at no charge by metal detector manufacturers […]

Product Effect & Metal Detection

One of the more important factors in determining what metal detector is best for your application is your product and the effect it has on the metal detector. Products have varied levels of conductivity and the conductivity of your product will influence the signals picked up by the metal detector. We call this Product Effect. […]

What Factors Affect the Best Possible Detection Levels?

ProScan Metal Detector Display Menu

Advanced Detection Systems manufactures metal detectors designed to provide reliable, easy-to-use and consistent metal detection. Whether you need to ensure product purity or defend processing equipment, getting the best possible metal detector for your application is of utmost importance. Part of ensuring optimum sensitivity is understanding the factors that affect metal detection levels.   Types […]